What Will Be The Future Of Recycling In Stillwater?

Commentator: Curious Dog Recycling- In the nut shell, recycling is great for the environment and is the right thing to do however it does come at a cost. The capital investment for trucks, employees, fuel, insurance and transporation to get it to a processor are just a few of the costs to provide recycling pick up. If it is bundled with other services and the costs are spread amongst all waste customers it drives those costs way down. If not bundled with other services the costs goes up, however does stay affordable if again, the cost are spread out. Many communities are turning to this type of system to keep it affordable to the citizens. It also drives up the participation in the recycling program.The questions is: What is the city’s plan and what will be their costs to the citizens to provide the service?

Editor: During the city council meeting there was a big rush in making a decision but there has still be no action about recycling. The city will save money in landfill costs with a recycling program but how much will it cost the public. 

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